Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Where To Place The Ads

I was checking through the source code for Google Docs when I noticed this new Javascript file addition, conversion.js. Digging through the code you'll notice to interesting urls

var url = proto +
"//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/" +
escape(w.google_conversion_id) + path +
"random=" + (new Date()).getTime();
http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/http/extclk?random=213800 serves up a tracking pixel.
url = url + google_language_code();
var link = proto + "//services.google.com/sitestats/" +
google_get_filename() + "?cid=" + escape(w.google_conversion_id);
http://services.google.com/sitestats/en_US.html?cid=http is an example of what will be served up.

The conversion.js file doesn't really seem to convert anything, rather is seems like standard ad tracking/documenting system. With this in mind is seems like Google is trying to add ads to Google Docs. This does seem like a logical step. Perhaps we'll see a similar system to what we find in Gmail.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Improved Google Video Rankings

I noticed this improvement to the Google video ranking system today.
Just click on the >> by the side of rank to expand this view.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Aggressive spam filter or buggy blogger, you decide.

The other day I wanted to post to my blog and I ran into a very interesting bug. I really despise the post editor with blogger, so I found a work around to use Google Docs to publish to my blogger beta. One really small annoyance, try publishing the dollar sign without the number one using Google docs, it doesn't work (I'm publishing to Blogger Beta). I know Google wants to cut down on spam, but this seems a little to aggressive.

For example, this doesn't work

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Some Profits in the Sky's

"And on page one hundred and six of the flight catalog you'll find the prices for beverages and internet connections..."

This is what you might hear the next time you find yourself on that twelve hour flight. According to Forbes Magazine , Beoing has introduced in flight Wifi to select flights traveling from Germany to LA. This is a great idea that is sorely past it's time. What a better place to sell an internet connection than to a bunch of people who can't move for six to sixteen hours.

"Airlines, which pay probably 500,000 [Dollars] a plane to get Wi-Fi, won't do this if only 2% of people will pay. Our research shows something like 38% of frequent travelers will pay for this." For its part, Boeing anticipates running a profitable business on an uptake rate of 6% of total travelers.
So, would you like "Coffee, Tea Or Broadband"

Friday, October 27, 2006

This is a test of the new Google documents